Community Choice Aggregation


Electrical aggregation, permitted through state statue, allows municipalities to seek alternate suppliers of electricity as a way to acquire lower rates for residents and business owners whose properties use fewer than 15,000 kWh per month. Aggregation does not alter the actual delivery of electricity, which still is provided by ComEd.

With voter approval in April 2011, Oak Park adopted its Community Choice Aggregation program.

Current Community Choice Aggregation Program Information:

The Village of Oak Park has extended its electricity aggregation contract with Chicago-based MC Squared Energy Services, LLC (mc2) through December 2025.

The contract ensures aggregation participants will never pay more than those customers whose electricity is supplied by ComEd.

In addition, the contract will provide monthly revenue for the Community Choice Aggregation Fund, used to support priority renewable energy and energy efficiency projects identified within Climate Ready Oak Park, the community sustainability, climate action and resiliency plan.

Oak Park residents and small businesses also may continue to subscribe to the Village’s Community Solar program, which allows subscribers support clean energy generation in Illinois and reduce their monthly electricity bills without installing or maintaining solar panels on their property.


Click on the headings below for answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Oak Park's electricity aggregation program.