Community Choice Aggregation
Electrical aggregation, permitted through state statue, allows municipalities to seek alternate suppliers of electricity as a way to acquire lower rates for residents and business owners whose properties use fewer than 15,000 kWh per month. Aggregation does not alter the actual delivery of electricity, which still is provided by ComEd.
With voter approval in April 2011, Oak Park adopted its Community Choice Aggregation program.
Current Community Choice Aggregation Program Information:
The Village of Oak Park has extended its electricity aggregation contract with Chicago-based MC Squared Energy Services, LLC (mc2) through December 2025.
The contract ensures aggregation participants will never pay more than those customers whose electricity is supplied by ComEd.
In addition, the contract will provide monthly revenue for the Community Choice Aggregation Fund, used to support priority renewable energy and energy efficiency projects identified within Climate Ready Oak Park, the community sustainability, climate action and resiliency plan.
Oak Park residents and small businesses also may continue to subscribe to the Village’s Community Solar program, which allows subscribers support clean energy generation in Illinois and reduce their monthly electricity bills without installing or maintaining solar panels on their property.
Click on the headings below for answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Oak Park's electricity aggregation program.
Based on electricity use, some accounts are best served by mc2 and others by ComEd. The rates are the same, but your electricity use will include the contribution to the Village’s clean and renewable energy reserve fund. Even if your account is on ComEd service, it also will be eligible for community solar subscriptions when the option becomes available. The letter is a legal formality. If you require a more detailed explanation, just call 1.855.259.1179 or
Community Choice Aggregation is a program that allows cities and counties to buy and/or generate electricity for residents and businesses within their areas. Residents voted in 2011 to give the municipal government of the Village of Oak Park the authority to negotiate electricity supply contracts on behalf of residential accounts as well as small commercial electricity accounts that consume less than 15,000 kWh annually.
All eligible residential and small business customers have the option of participating in the program. Eligible customers who already participate in the Village’s Community Choice Electricity Aggregation Program will be enrolled automatically unless they choose to opt-out. Residents may email or call 1.855.259.1179 for information about enrolling.
You may opt out by calling 1.855.259.1179, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. You may cancel the agreement with mc2 at any time for no termination fee.
Electricity customers who choose to opt out of the Village aggregation program are enrolled automatically in an electricity generation program provided by ComEd unless they select a provider on the open market. These providers are called Alternative Retail Energy Suppliers (“ARES”). More information on approved alternative suppliers is posted online at
No. There is no enrollment or switching fee.
The rate for Oak Park’s program is variable, but will not be higher than the ComEd basic service rate.
If you are enrolled in aggregation, your electricity use will support the contribution to the Village’s clean and renewable energy reserve fund, which funds projects identified within Climate Ready Oak Park plan. You can learn about Climate Ready Oak Park at
Yes. The rates for Oak Park’s electricity aggregation program are guaranteed through the 3-year period of the power supply agreement with mc2.
You will continue to receive one monthly bill from ComEd. The cost of the electricity supply will be itemized separately from the cost of delivery on the bill. ComEd also will continue to bill you for distribution services and taxes, and payments should be sent to ComEd at the address provided. If you do not opt-out of the program, you will see either MC Squared Energy Services or ComEd listed as your designated supplier.
IMPORTANT NOTE: There are other companies that sell electricity, known as Alternative Retail Energy Suppliers (ARES). Your ComEd bill will list the name of the ARES in the supplier section. If you don’t see MC Squared or ComEd listed here, then you are a customer of another company which is not affiliated with the Village of Oak Park or ComEd. If you have problems with one of these other companies, contact Citizens Utility Board (CUB) Consumer Advocacy Dept at 1-800-669-5556.
ComEd will continue to deliver your electricity and will be responsible for maintaining the system that delivers power to your property.
No, there will be no disruption in service. You will continue to receive the same electric service through the same transmission and distribution system currently operated by ComEd. The switch to mc2 is seamless.
If you have selected another supplier, you will remain with the supplier you selected. You can still opt in to the program by using the promotion code Oak Park or by calling mc2 at 1.855.259.1179. You will need to provide your account number, name, address and phone. Please note that you may also be subject to early termination fees or other restrictions by your current provider. You should check with your current provider to better understand any restrictions or policies that might apply. If you have problems with one of these other suppliers, contact Citizens Utility Board (CUB) Consumer Advocacy Dept at 1-800-669-5556.
Community Solar is a solar energy collection array that delivers electricity to the ComEd distribution system and allocates output to ComEd accounts that subscribe to the Community Solar array.
Residents and small businesses who don’t have space or the ability to install rooftop solar panels can still subscribe to an off-site solar farm. With Oak Park’s community solar program administered by mc2, 20 percent of the solar energy produced by your solar farm share is credited to your ComEd account, which saves you money on your total electricity bill. You can think of it like subscribing to a CSA farm – you pay upfront to be a member, and receive your “vegetables” (solar credits) through your ComEd bill each month.
mc2 is an Alternative Retail Electric Supplier licensed by the Illinois Commerce Commission experienced with municipal aggregation customers. mc2 serves as a retail electricity supplier, selling electric power to residential and business customers. mc2 causes bulk power to be delivered to the ComEd system. ComEd, in turn, delivers that power and thus, serves as a local distributor in charge of the physical delivery of power to your residence. In the unlikely event that mc2 were to fail to deliver power, ComEd would not interrupt the supply of power to your meter. ComEd retains all control and responsibility for the distribution wires, substations, poles, and meters; in addition to being responsible for all service issues, such as outages. Residential customers should contact ComEd at 1.800.334.7661 for assistance with meter readings, outages, voltage or other delivery-related concerns.