1-290 expansion plans await funding
June 3, 2019 - The reconstruction of I-290 expressway through Oak Park remains on hold until funding becomes available. Cost estimates are now at approximately $3.2 billion.
Should funding become available, officials say work on the final design likely would not start any no sooner than two years following the funding authorization due to the processes followed by the state for selecting consulting firms for a project of this size. Actual construction, which would include replacing several bridges over the expressway, likely would not start any sooner than five years after funding is secured.
However, the Village of Oak Park has received federal funds to complete a feasibility study for expanding the bridge decking over the expressway and aesthetic treatments on various bridges. Work on the feasibility study could start this fall following contract approval from the state.
The Village also received federal funding to start the preliminary design work for replacing the Home Avenue pedestrian bridge. Consulting firms to prepare the preliminary engineering design work likely wll be selected this year, with the actual design work beginning in early 2020 following the required contract approval by IDOT.
For more information on local aspects of the project, email publicworks@oak-park.us. IDOT also manages a dedicated project website where the latest information about the overall project is posted - just visit eisenhowerexpressway.com.
I-290 expansion plans advance
July 28, 2017 - The Illinois Department of Transportation reported this week that it had received federal approval for the first phase of the I-290 Eisenhower Expressway reconstruction project. The first phase included initial planning and design. Future phases will include final engineering and then construction. IDOT is proposing to create a toll lane on the Ike between Mannheim Road and Racine Avenue. The lane would be added from Mannheim to Austin Boulevard, which would make the expressway four lanes in each direction between Interstate 88 and Interstate 90/94. The project also includes additional transit options, expanded linkages between Pace and the Chicago Transit Authority, as well as pedestrian and bicyclist enhancements. Funds have not yet been committed for the next phases. IDOT estimates the project will cost about $2.7 billion.