Business Services The main goal of Business Services is to respond to the ongoing needs of the business community and serve as a key partner in the growth and development of Oak Park 's businesses.
Historic Preservation The Village of Oak Park is noted for its historic architecture, with styles including Queen Anne, Prairie School and Colonial Revival.
Parking & Mobility Services Parking Services manages all public parking, including enclaves, garages and more than 100 off-street lots. Staff issue parking permits and passes as well as vehicle licenses.
Permits The Permit & Development Division is responsible for ensuring that the buildings, structures and properties within Oak Park are constructed, improved and preserved with regard to safety of life and property.
Planning & Urban Design The Village works to maintain the character of the community by managing change through the Village's Comprehensive Plan and other business district plans.
Zoning Zoning is a tool for conserving property values, protecting character and stability, and promoting orderly and beneficial development.