Comprehensive Planning

Comprehensive planning works to provide a perspective beyond current events. It involves researching long-term issues affecting land use and gathering statistics on population, income and employment to assess trends. The result of this process is a comprehensive plan.

What is a Comprehensive Plan?

A comprehensive plan is a community’s vision for its future. The plan guides future growth in a responsible manner to help ensure quality development and redevelopment consistent with the community’s character. Oak Park's Comprehensive Plan includes policies and objectives to help achieve goals set by the community through a broad, public-driven participatory process.


Role of the Comprehensive Plan

According to Illinois statute, communities are entitled to draft and adopt a comprehensive plan that can be used to guide decisions related to development regulations, capital improvement expenditures and other local policies and actions.

Envision Oak Park, the current comprehensive plan adopted in September 2014, inventories and addresses issues and opportunities throughout the community, providing context for how Village government may use its resources and collaborate with other partners to accomplish objectives beyond the scope of any one proposed improvement or investment.