Housing Code
The Village of Oak Park vigorously enforces local codes to help maintain the quality of housing in the community. Tenants have the right to have their apartments inspected by Village inspectors any time they suspect a violation of the code or if the landlord refuses to make corrections. State law prevents a landlord from taking action against a tenant in retaliation for a housing code violation complaint. Any tenant who suspects a violation should first contact the landlord. If no action is taken on the complaint, call Neighborhood Services Division at 708.358.5410 and ask to have an inspector come to the apartment. The inspector will schedule an appointment and perform an inspection. If the condition is a violation of the code, the inspector will inform the tenant and require the landlord to correct the issue.
Typical Building Code Violations
- Insufficient heat (68˚F, 6:30 a.m. to 11 p.m.; 65˚F, 11 p.m. to 6:30 a.m.)
- Insufficient garbage bins with tight fitting lids
- Public halls, stairways and passageways not adequately lit at all times or maintained in good and safe condition
- Signs of rodents or insects
- Toilet in poor working condition
- Bathtub or shower not in good working condition
- Kitchen sink not in good working condition
- Bathroom floor not reasonably resistant to water and or easily kept in a clean and sanitary condition
- All faucets not providing adequate hot water (120˚F) or with insufficient water pressure
- Foundation, floor, wall, window, ceiling and roof not weather-tight, rodent-proof or kept in good working condition and repair
- Inadequate window screens in good condition on at least one operable window per room
- All habitable rooms do not have at least one operable window or adequate artificial ventilation
- All ceilings, walls and floors not free of mold growth or other environmental invaders
- Every habitable room does not contain either two separate outlets or one outlet and one light fixture
- All electrical outlets, switches and wires not in good and safe working condition
- All plumbing fixtures not maintained in good sanitary working condition, free from defects, leaks and obstructions
- Dwelling unit does not contain at least 200 square feet of floor space for the first occupant and 150 square feet of floor space for each additional occupant, not including verandas, porches, terraces, balconies or basements
- Sleeping rooms lack closeable doors that afford privacy, a window and access other than through a tandem room
Overnight parking is prohibited on Oak Park streets from 2:30 to 6 a.m. except by permit or pass. Landlords of buildings with four or more rental units are required to include this parking information in applications and leases. Buildings may offer off-street parking spaces as part of the rent or at additional cost.
The Village sells parking permits for most multifamily building neighborhoods, which must be renewed every three months. Some homeowners also rent parking spaces on their properties. For information on permit parking and available private parking, contact the Parking & Mobility Services Division at 708.358.7275.
Motorcycle parking is regulated the same as motor vehicles. Bicycles should be parked and locked in building storage areas.
Pets are allowed in Oak Park residential units unless they are prohibited in the lease. Residents with service animals have special protection in renting and visiting rental units in Oak Park. However, pet owners must follow all applicable local laws. The Animal Control Division of the Oak Park Department of Public Health regulates pet ownership and care in Oak Park. For information on licensing, adopting and impounding pets, call 708.358.5680.
Responsibilities of Pet Ownership
Oak Park requires all dogs and outdoor cats to be licensed annually by May 1. New residents must license their pets within 10 days of moving into the community or acquiring a new animal. A new pet license requires a trip to Village Hall, 123 Madison St. Pet owners must complete a form and provide proof of rabies inoculation before a license will be issued. The annual license fee is reduced for a spayed or neutered animal. Proof of spaying or neutering is required for the reduced fee. Pet licenses can be renewed online. Pet owner also must follow these rules:
- Treat pets in a humane manner
- Be considerate of neighbors
- Report animal bites to the Police Department at 708.386.3800
- Keep animals on a leash no longer than eight feet in public parks, school ground and other public properties
- Bring only service animals into public buildings, food establishments or stores
- Do not allow a pet to make excessive or annoying noise, create noxious odors or damage the property of others
Limits on animals on private premises
Village ordinance limits the number of animals on private premises as follows:
- Single-family residences, townhomes, buildings or lots: Three dogs and/or two cats that run outside, or four cats that are kept indoors. No more than 10 of a combination of all types of permitted animals.
- Single units of two- or three-flat residential dwellings: Two dogs and/or cats that run at-large, or two cats that are kept indoors. No more than five of a combination of all types of permitted animals.
- Multi-family residential building containing four or more dwelling units: Two dogs and/or cats that are kept indoors, or one cat if allowed to run outside. No more than five of a combination of all types of permitted animals.
Prohibited animals
Generally, pigs, swine, sheep, cattle, horses, goats or similar animals; naturally wild animals except fish and birds; no more than one pigeon or two rabbits, two guinea pigs, two gerbils or two fowl.