Community Relations

The Village's Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion helps improve community relations by nurturing neighborhood programs and citizen cooperation. The DEI Office enforces the Village's Human Rights Ordinance, encourages block organizing, community safety and multi-cultural training, mediates landlord/tenant and neighbor disputes and provides resident training in community outreach. The Community Relations Division of the DEI Office also manages the Village's film permit process.

Discrimination Complaints

Oak Park was one of the first municipalities in the country to adopt and enforce its own Fair Housing Ordinance. Chapter 13 of the Village Code protects the rights of individuals within the protected classes of race, sex, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, age, marital status, familial status, disability, gender identity, gender expression, source of income, housing status, military discharge status or order of protection status in the purchasing, leasing, securing a loan, renting or occupying housing or other real estate.

Any person otherwise qualified who is denied or discriminated against in these processes should contact the Community Relations Division for more information, conciliation or to file a formal, written complaint.

In addition to filing a complaint with the Community Relations Division, individuals also may file a written, formal complaint with the Illinois Department of Human Rights.

Film Permits

Oak Park is often a backdrop for movies, television shows and commercials, all of which require film permits. Multi-departmental staff teams coordinated by Community Relations Department help ensure minimal impact on a block and neighborhood where film crews work. To obtain a permit, neighbors must be notified by the film crew in advance of the shoot. Filming is allowed only between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m. If off-duty police officers are needed to control traffic, or provide other safety control, they are paid directly by the film production company. Download the Filming Permit Application Packet(PDF, 452KB).

Mediation Services

The Village offers free mediation services to help landlords and tenants, as well other residents, resolve issues that may be disrupting quality of life. Cases can include disputes about a lease violation, a dispute with a noisy neighbor or even a dispute over property lines. Participation is voluntary. Agreements are made between the parties and are not enforced by the Village. To learn more, email


Neighborhood Programs

The Community Relations Division works to build sound relationships within neighborhoods and assists in neighborhood revitalization efforts. Development of neighborhood leadership along with special programs that enhance community connectivity among residents and between residents and Village government is a priority. Trained staff can help facilitate presentations to neighborhood groups, associations and other public groups. In addition, staff can provide guidance in community outreach, conflict management, resource brokering and neighborhood relations.

Tenant/Landlord Relations

The Community Relations Division answers general questions from Oak Park tenants and multi-family property owners and managers regarding fair housing, leases, security deposit usage and refund procedures, interest rates on deposits, application processing, condo conversions, maximum occupancy standards, withholding rent, evictions, overcrowding, small claims court and rent increases. While the Village cannot act as legal counsel for a private citizen, staff will provide helpful guidelines and resources.

Youth Employment Skills Workshops

The Community Relations Department offers workshops each year to help residents ages 15 to 18 learn skills and techniques that can help them find and keep a job. Guest speakers and representatives from local businesses help participants learn to take charge of their lives by developing critical job seeking and retention skills that can be carried throughout adulthood. These local employers also offer opportunities for individuals who complete the workshop to interview for available positions with area companies.