Welcoming Village

Hate Has No Home Monument at Village Hall

The Village of Oak Park takes great pride in its shared values of diversity, equity, inclusion, safety, and respect for all people. Oak Park is community for advancing racial equity and social justice – Oak Park CARES.

The Village of Oak Park was designated a welcoming Village by an ordinance adopted on Feb. 6, 2017 by the Board of Trustees. The ordinance codified the longstanding practice among Village employees – including members of the Oak Park Police Department – of not collecting or maintaining information related to the immigration status of Village residents or visitors to the greatest extent possible. That same year, 2017, the Illinois TRUST Act was enacted at the state level, restricting how law enforcement may interact with federal immigration enforcement agencies.

Further, Oak Park’s Welcoming Village Ordinance clarifies communications and enforcement relationships between the Village and the federal government on immigration matters. The ordinance makes it clear that immigration is a federal issue and does not involve the Village.

The Welcoming Village ordinance also underscores Oak Park’s longstanding commitment to being a welcoming and diverse community. In 1968, the Village became one of the first municipalities in the country to adopt and enforce a Human Rights Ordinance protecting the rights of individuals within the classes of race, sex, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, age, marital status, familial status or disability in the purchasing, leasing, securing a loan, renting or occupying housing or other real estate.

In accordance with the Welcoming Village Ordinance and the Illinois TRUST Act, the Village of Oak Park will not use Village resources, including staff, to assist in the enforcement of civil federal immigration laws. This includes not inquiring about, recording, or disclosing an individual’s immigration status unless required by law.

Every resident, regardless of immigration status, is entitled to access Village services without fear of deportation or other immigration-related consequences. Village employees have been reminded that when interacting with the public, the primary focus is on delivering services and support based on need, not immigration status.

The Village will continue to uphold the principle of confidentiality for residents and ensure that any personal information shared with the Village is not disclosed to federal immigration enforcement agencies, except in cases where disclosure is mandated by law.

Together, everyone must work to ensure and maintain Oak Park as a welcoming environment.