Honeybee Hives


Beekeeping has been common in Oak Park since about 2011. Oak Park property owners are allowed to establish up to two honeybee colonies as long as the apiaries meet specific Village code requirements intended to ensure public safety outlined in Chapter 20, Article 11 of the Village Code. Licenses are managed the the Public Health Department.

In 2016, two hives were established on the green roof of the Public Works Center, 201 South Blvd., and another two hives established in 2018 at Village Hall in 2018, 123 Madison St.

The honeybee hives at the Public Works Center and Village Hall were never about producing honey. With populations of these critical pollinators on the decline, the Village's goal was to create awareness and promote a healthy environment for bees that can benefit local gardeners.

Visitors to the Public Works Center or Village Hall should not fear the docile pollinators. Officials say the bees live only to collect pollen and make honey and aren’t interested in coming inside the buildings.

For more information beekeeping in Oak Park, call 708.358.5480 or email health@oak-park.us. For information on other efforts to preserve and protect the environment, email sustainability@oak-park.us.