Board of Health

Mission: The Board of Health is an advisory body to the Director of the Department of Public Health and the Board of Trustees, and as such has authority to make recommendations as to rules, regulations and orders as it may deem necessary for the preservation and improvement of public health and for the prevention and/or suppression of disease.

Membership: 7 members

Qualifications: Membership includes two health professionals in the following fields: medical doctor and nurse. All other members shall have a general knowledge of and interest in public health issues. One member may be a dentist. One member may be a high school student.

Length of Term: 3 years

Meeting Schedule: Meets at 6 p.m., the second Thursday of each month at Village Hall, 123 Madison St. If you require assistance to participate in any Village program or activity, contact the ADA Coordinator at 708.358.5430 or e-mail at least 48 hours before the scheduled activity.

Work PlanBoard-of-Health-2025-Work-Plan.pdf(PDF, 89KB)

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