Citizen boards, commissions and committees advise the Village Board of Trustees. When vacancies occur on these advisory bodies, the Citizen Involvement Commission interviews residents who have volunteered to serve by filling out application forms. The Commission then makes recommendations to the Village President, who makes the formal appointments with the consent of the Board of Trustees.
Most meetings are held at Village Hall, 123 Madison St., with the exception of the Disability Access Commission, which meets at the Main Oak Park Public Library, 834 Lake St. Meeting agendas and minutes are posted on the related board, commission and committee web pages.
Citizen involvement enhances and promotes Oak Park's character and values. Advisory boards, commissions and committees serve as additional resources and support to the Village Board of Trustees and Village staff.
For the most current information on vacancies and volunteering, call 708.358.5670 or email 708.358.5672