Office of Village Clerk


The Office of the Village Clerk records the proceedings of all Village Board meetings and special meetings; maintains all official legislative records, certifications and the Village seal; and monitors Village compliance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act and Illinois Freedom of Information Act.

The office also serves as the local election authority and registrar for voters and prepares information on violations of Village ordinances. In addition, the office administers the Special Events Ordinance and oversees Village Board advisory commissions which make policy and procedural recommendations to the Village Board.

Advisory Boards & Commissions

The Village Board relies on the volunteer efforts of more 200 residents who serve on various advisory boards, commissions and committees. Each commission prepares an annual work plan based on the needs of the Village Board, which may also refer additional projects or issues to these bodies for recommendations.

Most commissions meet one evening each month. Maximum service time is two, three-year terms. Like all public meetings, notices are posted online and at Village Hall and are open to observers.

Any resident considering serving is invited to attend a meeting of any advisory body commissions in which they may be interested and introduce themselves to the chair and staff liaison to learn more about current activities.

Oak Park Boards and Commissions information

Official Records

The Village Clerk is keeper of the Village seal and all official records and certifications. The Clerk's Office serves as the official depository for petitions, bankruptcy notices, liens, releases of lien and insurance claims.

Village Board minutes, ordinances and resolutions may be reviewed at the Clerk's Office in Village Hall. Maps, copies of official records and local ordinances also may be viewed and purchased in the Village Clerk's Office.

The Clerk's Office also manages requests made under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act related to municipal legislative records.

FOIA Application Form

Special Event Permit Applications

Any organization wishing to conduct a special event involving public property such as a run, walk or sidewalk sale in Oak Park, must apply for a special event permit and pay a fee. The purpose of the permit is to give the Police and other Village municipals departments the opportunity to consider any public safety issues related to the event.

Apply for a permit to host a special event

Voter Registration & Elections

Residents can register to vote in local, state and federal elections at Village Hall, 123 Madison St., by appointment. To schedule an appointment, please email or call 708-358-5672 or 708-358-5673.

Online registration is available through the Cook County Clerk's Office.

Voter registration requires two types of identification, at least one with the current address. A driver's license or picture ID is preferred, along with an additional item such as a lease or utility bill.

Residents can also register to vote at the Oak Park Township, Cook County Clerk and Illinois Secretary of State offices.

More information about elections, voter registration, absentee voting, filing for candidacy for local office and the electoral process are available from theCook County Clerk.