The Village of Oak Park Ordinance on the Safe Storage of Firearms
In July of 2023, the Village of Oak Park passed an ordinance regarding the safe storage of firearms. The ordinance states that all firearms stored in homes within the Village must be secured with a locking device. No individual besides the person authorized to carry or control the firearm may have access to the key or the combination for the locking device. A firearm is also not considered secure if it is left unattended in a vehicle within plain view of people outside the vehicle.
In summary:
- All firearms within the Village of Oak Park must be secured by a locking device.
- Only the person authorized to carry or control the firearm may know the combination or the location of the key of the locking device.
- A firearm unattended in a vehicle within plain view is not considered secure.
Storing guns safely (locked, unloaded, and separately from ammunition) prevents individuals within the household who are at elevated risk of harming themselves or others from accessing guns. An estimated 82% of adolescent firearm suicides involve a gun belonging to a family member. Among school shooters under the age of 18, 80% accessed the firearm from their own home or the home or a relative or friend.
Safe storage also deters potential thieves. There are an estimated 250,000 thefts of guns each year, resulting in 380,000 stolen guns annually.
Data collected by the CDC shows that the number of children killed by firearms rose by 50% between 2019 and 2021. The rise in gun deaths among children is part of an overall increase in deaths among all Americans.
The ordinance:
A. It is unlawful for any person to keep or possess any firearm in a person’s home unless such firearm is secured by a locking device.
B. A firearm is not secured if a key or combination to the locking device is readily available to a person who is not an authorized user to carry or control the firearm, or the firearm is left unattended in a vehicle and within view of persons outside the vehicle.
C. Subsection A above shall not apply if a person gains access to a firearm and uses it in a lawful act of self-defense or defense of another.
D. An injured person may bring a civil action against the owner of a firearm in a court of competent jurisdiction for a violation of this section. (Ord. 23-75, 7-5-2023)