Village View portal Apply for permits, submit license requirements, find fee information, submit a property-related complaint, register your business, and search property records and other Village Business information.
Parking & Mobility Services Parking Services manages all public parking, including enclaves, garages and more than 100 off-street lots. Staff issue parking permits and passes as well as vehicle licenses.
Animal Control Animal Control investigates local animal welfare issues, enforces codes, captures stray animals, licenses all dogs and outdoor cats, and supports wildlife management efforts.
Transportation Oak Park has an abundance of transportation options that will let you get into, out of and around the community effortlessly.
Waste & Recycling Explore Oak Park's recycling, composting and solid waste programs and learn about the Village's conservation and beautification initiatives.
Water & Sewer Service Find information including water quality reports, conservation tips, cross connection, and flooding and leak prevention.
Homeowner Programs Find information about grant funding and other programs intended to help Oak Park homeowners maintain and improve their properties.
Tree Care and Maintenance The Forestry Division manages the Village's urban forest of more than 18,000 parkway trees as well as more than 100 various public landscaped areas.
Voter Registration Find information about elections, voter registration, absentee voting, filing for candidacy for local office and the electoral process