Climate Ready Energy Grants The Village has grant programs designed to provide up to $10,000 in financial assistance to residential homeowners and multifamily building owners to support a wide range of energy upgrades and retrofits
Climate Ready Rainscapes Climate Ready Rainscapes is a grant program that helps homeowners use smart landscaping to manage rain at their property.
Lead Water Service Replacement Grant The Village offers a free lead pipe replacement program is offered to individuals who may not be able to afford it through conventional means.
Senior Home Repair Assistance Oak Park residents age 60 and older can get help with simple home maintenance repairs through North West Housing Partnership.
Sewer Backup Protection Grant The Sewer Backup Protection Grant Program provides financial assistance to homeowners who install systems to protect their homes from sewer backup during a heavy rain event.
Single-Family Rehabilitation Loans & Grants Oak Parkers with qualifying incomes who own and live in single-family houses are eligible for federally funded rehabilitation home loans.