Waste & Recycling

Garbage collection on Marion Street

The Village of Oak Park’s comprehensive solid waste disposal program is designed to effectively deal with increasing amounts of trash, rising collection and disposal costs, legislative restrictions and growing environmental concerns. Municipal services are provided for residential properties of five or fewer units. Owners of larger multifamily dwelling and commercial buildings must contract directly with private refuse haulers. The Village's waste disposal program is managed by the Public Works Department.

Recycling and composting benefits the community in a number of ways by reducing the amount of waste sent to the landfill, decreasing greenhouse gas emissions and saving disposal fees.

Lakeshore Recycling Systems (LRS) is the Village's garbage hauler, handling the weekly collection of trash and recycling for residential properties with five or fewer units. Call 844.633.3577, email service@LRSrecycles.com or visit www.lrsrecycles.com/oakpark to report a missed pickup, request a waste hauling service or find more information about the LRS collection program.