The Village of Oak Park | 123 Madison St.  Oak Park, IL 60302 |

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Oak Park Housing Vision Public Meeting

Thursday, January 25, 2024 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Come share thoughts and ideas about what should comprise Oak Park’s housing vision for the next decade during a public meeting from 6 to 8 p.m. on Thurs., Jan. 25 at the Oak Park Public Library Veterans Room, 834 Lake St.

Participants will be asked to weigh in on what housing or housing-related challenges they see in the community, and their ideas on how to address them.

The Village has partnered with the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus to update the Homes for a Changing Region Plan it prepared in 2012. Since Oak Park in 2024 is in many ways different from Oak Park in 2012, fresh eyes, perspectives and ideas are needed.

The public meeting will include simple snacks and beverages, along with a kids’ table. 

This meeting follows the public meeting on housing held last September, and organizers hope for a similarly diverse and engaged roomful of participants.

In addition, a housing vision-related community survey is still available online at

Oak Park residents are asked to please complete the survey if they have not already done so. Input from the public meeting and the survey will help inform this housing study’s recommendations to the Village Board.

For questions or accommodation concerns, contact