Financial Reports

Listed below are links to various financial reports produced by the Finance Department. For more information on the budget call 708.358.5460 or email

Audit Management Letters

A Management Letter is prepared by an independent firm of certified public accountants and issued in conjunction with each annual Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. The letter is a formal communication from the auditing firm to the Village recommending internal control improvements.

Audit Deficiency Reports

An audit deficiency report is prepared by an independent firm of certified public accountants and issued in conjunction with each annual Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. The report communicates what the auditors consider to be internal control deficiencies or issues which should be addressed by management.

Bond Information & Rating Service Reports

The Village of Oak Park is required by law to submit bond and debt information updates to the Electronic Municipal Market Access (EMMA) portal, which provides free public access to municipal securities disclosures and data. EMMA is designated by the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission as the official source for municipal securities data and disclosure documents. To review bond information related to the Village of Oak Park and other taxing bodies, go to and search by state and taxing body name.

Rating Service Reports

Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)

Beginning with the FY 2015 Budget recommendation process, the Village began to formally publish its Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). This is a long range plan that reviews nature of current projects with the understanding the many may take several years to complete and/or capital programs recur on a scheduled or regular basis.

Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports (ACFR)

The Village is required to issue annually a report of its financial position and activity presented in conformance with generally-accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and audited in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards by an independent firm of certified public accountants (CPA).

Quarterly Reports